Brieyana Santana

Brieyana Santana

My Name is Brieyana Santana, and I was born and raised in Middlesex County, Massachusetts. I spent most of my years before 21 working in the financial industry, with Citizens Bank. I then joined the U.S Army as Active Duty Artillery, becoming one of the first females in combat arms ever stationed overseas. . I received my Associate's Degree in Fire Science/ Building Construction in 2020 and am pursuing my Bachelor’s Degree now. Still being an active duty military family today on the last stretch, I have extensive experience in buying homes all around the country, with many years of VA loan knowledge. I have three children, with my oldest only being 5. We are an active sports family, my oldest son play ice hockey, my daughter does horseback riding, and my baby (he's 2!) is starting a learn to skate program this year! My husband and I enjoy hiking, running, and going on a family fun day every Sunday! If you're looking in the area please reach out if you have any questions on things to do
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